Offers a 3-Months
Professional Education Programme
Managing For Value Creation
Programme Faculty
Almost everything in business eventually boils down to the rupee sign,” so the adage goes. Hence, irrespective of what his or her primary area of work is, every manager needs a basic grounding in finance. And the need becomes greater as one rises in the organizational hierarchy.
Often non-finance executives have an aversion or even fear of accounting and finance. This stems mainly from lack of familiarity. Years of interaction with non-finance executives has convinced me that if the basic of finance are explained in a simple and lucid manner, negative feelings turn into positive appreciation. This course seeks to achieve this transformation.
Designed to demystify the field of finance, this course seeks to :
- provide a basic understanding of the accounting reports used in business.
- familiarise the participants with the financial environment of business.
- develop skills in applying financial tools and techniques.
- hone the finance sense of non-finance executives.
- facilitate meaningful communication among managers, using the language of finance.
Organizing Framework
The organizing framework of the programme is Value Octagon developed by Dr. Prasanna Chandra. It is shown below:

The programme consists of four modules as mentioned below :
Module A : Accounting and Financial System
- Understanding Financial Statements
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Strategy, Planning and Budgeting
- Cost Analysis and Management
- The Financial System
Module B : Key Financial Decisions
- Basic Valuation Concepts
- Investment Decisions
- Financing Decisions
- Working Capital Management
- Corporate Risk Management
Module C : Corporate Valuation and Value Creation
- Corporate Valuation
- Behavioral Finance
- Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring
- Value Based Management and Organizational Architecture
- Corporate Governance and Stellar Value Creators
Module D: Portfolio Management
- Portfolio Management
Distinctive Features
The distinctive features of the course are :
- Comprehensive and integrated coverage.
- Thrust on ‘ managing for value creation’.
- Focus on key principles, ideas, and intuitions.
- Adequate treatment of behavioural dimensions.
- Discussion of practice.
- Twenty five hours of videos covering sixteen topics.For each of the sixteen topics, a separate video will be provided.
- World class reading material.
- Querying facility.
For Whom
The course will benefit:
- Middle and senior level managers.
- Entrepreneurs and businessmen.
- Finance professionals looking for a holistic view of ‘ modern corporate finance’.
- Students of MBA, CA, CMA, and CS programmes interested in a straightforward refresher on finance.
Format and Duration
The course is a distance learning online programme with a three to six months duration depending on the participant's pace.
Enrolment for the course will be open throughout the year. Please visit the website for details.
Validity Period
Enrolment of a candidate will be valid for a period of Six Months from the date of registration.